The Grey College Reunie was founded on 10 May 1884 with the sole purpose of serving the interests of the School and its Old Boys. The Reunie is a separate legal association who aims to serve the Old Boys in order to facilitate a lifelong bond with their Alma Mater.
Grey College Reunie aims to nurture the Old Boys for the support of their Alma Mater.
We run a separate office and is a separate legal entity, served by the National Reunie Committee, which coordinates functions as well as a memorabilia shop. Supporting the National Committee are Grey College Reunie branches in all the main hubs in South Africa, run by Old Greys themselves.
A few facts about us include:
The legendary Reunie Hall was erected from the financial support of loyal Old Greys in July 1929
The chairs in the Reunie Hall and the staff room were donated by the financial support of loyal Old Greys
The Gallery in the Reunie Hall, erected in 2000, was paid by loyal Old Greys
The Grey College Reunie’s committment towards the new building’s project (Grey Museum) is believed to also be paid by loyal Old Greys
There are various bursaries and financial support to present scholars and Old Boys who are in need+