"When the occasion demands it, the Grey boy always comes up to scratch"

“Quotes by Head Masters”

“Geen volk ter wereld kan bekostig om sy jeug te verwaarloos nie; inteendeel, alleen die beste moet goed genoeg wees vir die jeug.”

“Mag Grey se verlede en hede n bodemlose bron van besieling wees vir die toekoms.”

JMB Faure

Head master 1955-1960, Grey College Secondary

“En avant! Excelsior, Grey College” (french translation “Onward & always Upward)

“We must extend the brotherly hand of friendship & act in a manner calculated to evoke mutual respect!”

“We must realise, however, the time for idle talk has passed & that the time has come to act!”

“Let the future be our challenge! Let us accomplish this ‘beau ideal’ of co-operation, we at Grey College are more willing to accept this challenge.”

AK Volsteedt

Head Master (1960-1969), Grey College Secondary

“Cut it out”

“Sit zirr in manne”

“Daar is net een ding wat mooier is as ñ rooi broekie wat voor hardloop. TWEE rooi broekies wat voor hardloop!”

“Motorcycles are coffins on two wheels.”

“Julle moet julle Patats nou eet.”

“Lamsak ou maat, kom vat my hand, ons is burgers van papbroek land”

L (Patat) Cronje

Head Master 1969-1979, Grey College Secondary

“Grey only has one Rule, never do anything that will put the good name of Grey in disrepute”

Jy laster met my naam.”

Dr Michau Heyns

Head master 1980-1992, Grey College Secondary

“Never judge a man if you haven’t walked in his shoes for one day”

“Accept the school that accepted you.“

“‘n Voël skuit nie in sy eie nes nie”

“In the Grey boy already walks the man”

“Grey se standaard is hier (en met sy ander hand dan so 5/6 duim onder die boonste) gewaai, en as jou standaard hier is, dan moet jy loop”

In changing rooms after 1st Team beat Paul Roos at Markotter to become nr1 in SA again in 1999 “Smell this, see this, taste this & feel this, because this too shall pass away.”

“Julle rugbyspelers dink te veel van julleself”

“Die Paul Roos spelers weet dat Grey weet Grey gaan wen”

Johan Volsteedt

Head master 1993-2012, Grey College Secondary

“Quotes by Teachers”

“When the occasion demands it, the Grey boy always comes up to scratch.”
Wally Westfall

Teacher 1912-1948, Grey College Secondary

Mnr. Els het altyd tyd gese as die kinders hom kwaad maak “Jy is besig om n eier te kook in my agter stewel.”

(Mr. Els is a teacher & also the deputy of Grey Secondary)

Alex Els

Deputy, Grey College Secondary

“Only thing you lot are interested in is Sex, Rock & Roll and Revolution!”

“Today’s’ music sounds like someone gargling with ball bearings.”

“Every person is a ‘potential’ alcoholic so therefore never take alcohol”

“You blinking sausage!”


Teacher, Grey College Secondary

“Leë kraan bly toe, dan weet die wêreld nie jy is leeg nie.”
“‘n Seun is soos ‘n graaf: as jy nie met hom werk nie, staan hy net rond en niks doen nie.”
Bok Lessing

Science Teacher 1970-1980's, Grey College Secondary

“Jy het net een graad nodig in die lewe en dis n rug-graad.”

“Dis lekker om n mens te wees maar dan moet jy n lekker mens wees.”

Gedurende studie in Leith Huis sal altyd hard in gange skree “Koppe af manne, laat daai liggies brand!!!”

“Manne julle moet my nie drop nie.”

“As jy ‘n poepol was voor jy Grey toe gekom het is die kans goed dat jy steeds ‘n poepol sal wees na jy uit Grey is.”

Dries van der Wal

Deputy & 1st XV Rugby Coach, Grey College Secondary

“Abuse and you loose gentleman” his Afrikaans version was also “waardeer en daar’s meer”

“Is jy n man of n k@k?”

“You are who you are, when you are alone.”

“QED … Quite easily done”

“Mannetjie……wies jou Pa?”

Flash Venter

Teacher, Grey College Secondary

“Comb back your fringe my boy, you’re not a bloody Tralie!”

Mr (Paddabek) Fourie

Singing Teacher & Springbok Shottist, Grey College Secondary

”God only helps those that help themselves my friend”

(Mr Goosen was Maths teacher at Grey)

Mr Goosen

Teacher, Grey College

“Los uit daai kraan! Speel met jou eie kraan!”

Hans Arndt

Biology Teacher, Grey College Secondary

“Ek’s n aap maar ek’s n ou aap!”

“Clearly your wit exceeds your beauty”

“Enter my parlour, said the spider to the fly” (When kids lined-up outside his class room waiting for permission to come into class he would always say)

(Mnr Rudd was English teacher, deputy principal at Grey Primary)

Herman Rudd

Teacher, Grey College

“Manne as julle harte reg is, sal die res reg wees.”

“Kom manne, laat ons aanziks!”

Hennie van Wyk

History & German Teacher in 1980's, Grey College

“Excellence is a habit”

“Ons moet altyd ‘n stappie bo die ander wees.”

“You can have a 1000 liters of good wine, if you pour a liter of shit wine with it then everything is shit.”

Jaco Swanepoel

Teacher & 1st XV Rugby Coach, Grey College

“Kom  nou manne!!!”

(Kalie was a German teacher and after Grey he lectured at the Free State University)

Kalie Strydom

Teacher, Grey College

“Het julle julle bybels gebring?” Kids reply “Nee meneer.” Louis responded “Dan kan ons nie aangaan met ons werk nie.” 

(Louis was an English teacher who also played wing for the Free State Rugby team in the 60s. He died in a car crash)

Louis Smit

Teacher, Grey College

“The only way to make life hard for your children is to make it soft for them.”

(Mr Koekemoer is a teacher at Grey College, also coaches the 1st XI soccer team)

Ludwig (Koekies) Koekemoer

Teacher, Grey College

“Everything in life counts 2 marks”


Mercantile Law Teacher 1980's, Grey College Secondary

“Quotes & Stories by Old Boys”

If Seekoei (Miss Cilliers) caught you eating in her class, she would always say “’You bring for the whole class a toffee, and for me a Crunchie’’ Probably around 1986 when I was in Standard 9.  Had her in matric for maths also



One of our class mates – Chris Moody – once said. “I was totally confused in Seekoei’s class – I thought that I was in the RI (Religious Instruction) class because she kept saying….  ‘you must read your suaaams (Psalms/sums)'”. We killed ourselves laughing

by Jacques Cilliers


Mrs Cilliers (Seekoei) ask me after not doing mathematics homework “Youth goes to Dr Heyns or you’ths goes to Tuckshop to buy me a burger?”, I replied “ Mam i think it’s best for your diet that I rather go to Dr Heyns”

by Nelio de Sa


Miss Cilliers

Afrikaans speaking Mathematics Teacher 1980's to 2000's, Grey College Secondary

Mrs Crancke came from St Andrews to Grey.  She continually told us how well-mannered and decent the Saints guys were, so one day Kenneth Coetzer said to her “’Maam, why don’t you go back there then’’.  She was quiet and never said it again.  1987, matric 

by Andre Cilliers 

Mrs Crancke gave English, and she was also our register teacher in matric, 1987. One day I was chatting to my buddy Michael Thiele who sat behind me and she said to me “Stop talking, you are missing the class.  If you carry on, I’ll send you to the office’’.  I replied, ‘’Then I’ll miss the class anyway.’’  She sent me straight to the office and I took 2 hidings from Vollies for insolence.

by Andre Cilliers 

Mrs Crancke

EnglEnglish Teacher 1980's to 2000's, Grey College Secondary

My Dad Mr Cilliers was a teacher at Grey for 25 yrs, from 1955 to 1979.  He was also called ‘’Biscuits’’.  He was the person who developed the ‘’Draailoop Metode’’.  It happened like this: He walked into Miss Marie Crause’s class during an off period, and found her crying.  Apparently during the previous period she had to look after a class of Std 8 (grade 10) boys whose teacher was ill.  They were uncontrollable and drove her into the state in which my Dad found her.  He went to Patat and asked permission to ‘’sort them out’’.  Patat agreed and my Dad went to look up on the time table where the class was.  He got his cane and approached the teacher in whose class they now were, told the story and asked for permission to ‘’sort them out’’, following the permission granted by Patat.  Naturally he agreed.  He lined them up and wacked the first guy a single cut, and told him to go stand at the back and wait for his next turn.  He did the same with the next guy, and so on until he had worked through all of them 3 times.  This was Die Draailoop Metode, and was apparently most effective.  When he was done, he said to them “Now try to misbehave in a ladies class again’’ Many old Greys remember this method fondly

by Andre Cilliers 

Mr Cilliers "Biscuits"

Teacher 1955 to 1979, Grey College Secondary

“Jaco Reinach het vir Barend Burger gevra maar hoekom was hy nie op grey nie –toe se barend nee hy kon nie plek kry nie, hulle vat net n 1000 bv –toe se jaco vir hom –hy moenie k@#k voel nie ,hulle vat net die beste 1000 ,maar hy was naby.”

Jaco Reinach

Springbok, Springbok

Old Boys vs Teachers Quotes

Andre Cilliers

When I was around Std 6 or 7 (grade 8 or 9, so that’s 1983 and ’84), we went on the usual train trip to Grey PE.  The entire train was just Grey boys and teachers, and only made one stop and that was at Noupoort.  On the station there was a small shop that sold, among other things, sweets.  It was generally known that when the Grey train stopped there, the boys flooded the shop and basically took everything that was edible, mostly omitting to pay for the same. 

Consequently the teachers tried various methods to protect the proprietor of the shop, including managing how many boys were allowed in at any given time. 

One Friday just before the annual train trip, Chain (Mr Marais) stood in front of the school and after hall and said ”Nie eers ‘n nikkerboll sal by Noupoort gesteel word nie!!’’


Marius Massyn

Mnr Banie Du Plessis, Wessel Du Plessis wat First Team afrig se pa : “Wat is die verskil tussen ñ virgin en ñ Grey-seun ? Antw : ñ Grey-seun BLY ñ Grey-seun…”
The first I heard is how Patat got to be called Patat “Julle moet julle Patats nou eet.”

Patat said how many mogen there was on Grey’s grounds, but the boys would play in his wife’s flower beds.


Peet Lubbe 

Vollies het vir my gese “Jy is gemors, F# hom!”


Ronald Bartels 

Vollies het vir my gese ek is ‘n vrot kaas. Toe se ek maar ek hou van vrot kaas, dit smaak lekker.


Willem Christiaan Reynders

Vollies het vir my eendag gese “Met genoeg geweld kan jy jou vinger in jou agterent ook af breek.”


Jan Luitingh

Teacher Nick Fourie, the cadet bandmaster, suggesting to the band that we all move elsewhere away from earshot “Lat we’re wenting to the huckey veld.“

Mathematics teacher Pan Dixon, had a habit of spending the last five minutes of the class sitting at his desk vigorously rubbing his bald head with his handkerchief Sabbagha to Pan “Sir would you please move your head slightly to the right. The sun is reflecting in my eyes “


Rohan Myburgh

In 2001 chip Danie Herbst ,die 8ste man van first team, en ons druk toe great try. Swannies sê toe “Danie ‘n chip is iets wat mens eet dis die laaste keer wat jy chip.”

Willem Boshoff 2009

Piet Wessels had his famous line of a triple C (3xC), meaning: Chocolate, Chippie and Coke. Always sent the class captain, Riaan Brits to tuckshop just saying:
“Brits! Triple C asseblief!”


Kevin Lindhorst

Mrs Cilliers: Peter (Grealy)….’what going out there on’ because he was looking out the windows all the time.


Brian Wysoke

We had a rugby coach in standard 6, Bakkies van der Walt. He called me over and said he was glad that I was a kak rugby player. I asked him why and he said that both Helgard Muller and myself stuttered, and if we were in the same team half time would need to be 2 hours.

Mr Marius Myburgh (deceased) Brill House 1979. Wysoke, ek sal jou jaag dat die Here jou nie eers met n verkyker kan raaksien nie.


Johan Maartens

Biscuits het ook vir ouens met kettinkies om hulle arms gese “My friend are you a member of acho scrapyard.”


Kobie Fenwick

Biscuits het gesê “Jul musiek klink soos n haelstorm oor n scrapyard.”


Neels Prinsloo

“Don’t worry about your cricket kits on monday. Just bring your running shoes.” Eddie Verrel cricket coach.


Raymond Van Niekerk

A frustrated Mr Fryer in history standard 7 class circa 1978: he is shouting at us and as he does the blackboard comes loose and falls on him. Shouts; “Selfs die f…en elemente is teen my!”

Dr Heyns to me, repeatedly: “van Niekerk, you are an underachiever my boy”. Before giving me 6 of the best.

Miss Cilliers says to me, for being an ass in class. “Rayment. I giff you some extra extra mafs.”


Wattie Janse van Rensburg

Mr. Korkie would be suitable for a coffee-table book, but he always said to us: “As jy uit die moeilikheid wil bly is daar een reël. Hou jou ding uit gate uit, en jou gat uit dinge uit!”

Sean Fisher (2004)

”Jou Mice” – Mr Machts (History)

”Reg op slaap, Fischer” – Mr Els (Biology)


Rufus Botha

Johan van Wyk tells me they had a Fourie in the class. And when Flash thought it was time for Fourie for a hiding, he would sing and hit to the rhythm of “Fourie’s a jolly good fellow….”


Bjorn Anderson

“Anderson. Come here you horse.” Mr. Pierre Hugo


Richard En Jeanette Harris

First day of grade 8, Flash Venter said to us “You are lower than shark shit on the seafloor”


Larry Homann

#Pisskriek Mr Rousseaux “Eye is nawt year tooooo tiech you’s English so ieff Eye gets my is’s end was’s miexd up don’t mawk”


Nelio de Sa

First day & class period for Roberto da Silva was at Flash Venter, he joined Grey few months after school opened, the 1st minute in class, Flash grabs him by the tie & tells him “Hey little boy, I’m going to donner you, so shut-up!” after bell rings for next period, I introduce myself to Robbie & tell him “Flash is our calmest teacher at Grey.”

Mr Bester (principal Grey Primary) calls me to his office on intercom “Nelio de Sa, kom asseblief na my kantoor & bring you Tuckshop saam” on arrival he says to me “Jy is besig om die Tuckshop bankrot te maak” my reply “Mr moet ek dit dalk oorneem?”


William Brown

Biscuits (Rodney Cilliers) calling a motorbike “an infernal machine”.  He also once said that his radio would last much longer than ours, as he didn’t allow his kids to listen to pop music on LM radio.

Chris Marais (Chain) before an inter-school match against Affies (1972?) had to ask the boys for donations of food to be able to feed the visitors – “Noem my maar Chain the beggar, maar ek soek alweer kos …”

One story which made a huge impression on me as a young Grey boy happened in the 1967 clash between Grey and Sentraal.  College kicked a ball through, and caught the Sentraal fullback in possession. He had no option but to run it into touch.  Nelson Babrow wanted to take a quick throw-in to Dennis du Plessis for what was surely going to be a walk-over try. A Sentraal spectator had different plans however, and grabbed the ball.  Dennis (some say his twin brother Danie) gave him a beaut of a straight jab and sent him into dreamland. Approximately ten minutes later the spectator walked past us and an elderly gentleman called out, Ïs jy wakker boet?” Grey won that clash by 30-3.


Daren Wedderburn

Oom smoking his pipe at hobhouse veld skool giving us life lessons. “Man dra nie pink nie ….. net moffies dra pink”.


Trevor Hampton

Joe Barry our English teacher when he called you up for a canning instead of saying bend down or buk always said “Pick a daisy”


Henri Van den Berg

I remember Dr Heyns as a stern but very fair principal. One morning, after regular hair inspection, I was dragged to his office for due punishment (those day I had a really thick mane to control). Allowing me to state my case and after a quick inspection, he promptly sent me back to class with a stern warning to improve my general appearance, “because that is what is expected of a Grey gentleman”. Classmates with out of control hair received a caning. His impression on me was such that my general appearance improved, not out of fear, but because he convinced me it was important.


Arlindo Fernandes

Mr Pierre Hugo (teacher)  “CRC = cash register church”


Emile Pieters

#Koekies Mnr Koekemoer in Leith Huis aan Chris Wearne toe hy hom pak wou gee: Koekies “Buk”, Chris “Nee meneer, slaan my eerder maar net.”


Phillip Fullaway

Mnr Paul Kruger: “As julle nie nou ophou raas nie gaan ek in my kar gaan sit. Ek het baie sigarette wat ek kan gaan rook”

Pieter van der Merwe

David Gray 1977
“Sesensestig…” whatever. Be it a question about science or rugby or anything. The answer was always sesensestig!


Ruann Gerber 2009

“Al wat gaan oorbly na die game, is bloed , kak en hare”
– Pieter Rademan , just before the Affies Interschools


Ruan Van Der Merwe

Een ding wat ek nooit sal vergeet nie is Lappies se woorde aan die begin van die 1986 seisoen: julle moet een ding onthou. Hierdie jaar is julle jaar, julle kan daarmee maak wat julle wil. Ek gaan nie skielik ‘n swak afrigter word as julle verloor nie. Maar julle het die potensiaal om een van die beste spanne te word. So dit hang van julle af.


Niels Momberg

In my 5 jaar 79-83 het Ons 4 Keer verloor. 2 in 79 en 2 in 83. Die aand voor Die 1ste game van Die seisoen teen Paarl Boys High het Lappies gese “dit is Die beste groep ooit”, toe verloor Ons Die volgende dag.

Thank you for sharing your Grey’s Stories.

Please email me nelio@chillies.co.za any famous Grey quotes you can remember and state year & name of author.

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